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Experience Travel TA e.U.

Schanzstraße 29/12
1140 Wien

Phone +43 (1) 8907075
Mobile +43 (667) 7678383

About me:

Long Lin-Maurer is a consumer business advisor and FIT tourism manager. She holds a master’s degree in economics and business administration, who is also a state certified tour guide with travel agent & tour operator license and a D95 licensed motor coach driver. Her company - Experience Travel TA e.U. - offers orientational and preparatory story telling city walks, Day-Out Theme Tours from Vienna as well as premium FIT related DMC services. The 'à la carte' experience is just a click away. Together we will understand the past, appreciate today and be prepared for the future. Born and raised in Shanghai, grown up in 'Blaufränkisch country' Viennese and western Europe education have shaped Long's life-style since 1990. Holding master degree in Business Administration of Vienna University of Business Administration & Economics the Hanseatic mentality influences her working manner. In business practices, she leans towards the Anglo-Saxon approach. She has worked for product marketing development of multi-national brands such as Lancôme, Biotherm, Giorgio Armani, Ralph Laurent at L'Oréal, Nestlé, Pago and Heineken before given birth to her children. Today she has grown into the Central European society and become a local for 35 years. Born in the year of dragon water remains her element. Travel and meet the local are her passion. Her company - Experience Travel TA e.U. with commercial reg: FN622126t holds registered trade licenses: 1. GISA 36907830 Licensed Austria Guide - 2. GISA 31669672 Licensed Travel Agent and Tour Operator in Austria and Europe providing city walks, day out theme tours 3. GISA 31352802 Approved translator & interpreter of Austrian Ministry of Internal Affairs 4. 3. D95 licensed motor coach driver (driver of public passenger transportation - valid through 2029 Special diplomas: a. water sommelier @ Doemens Academy, member of German Watersommelier Association b. attended wine seminar @ Weinakademie Austria c. precautionary nutritional coaching d- Partner of major museums and sights and own special permits to specific sights in Austria additionally. Additionally she can provide transportation solutions as partner of various motor coach providers. Together with all her motor coach partners within Central European countries (Vienna, Salzburg, Germany, Czech Republic) Long can arrange any distant excursions as added value to your journey: the transportation service is not just a ride from A to B. A memorable journey always starts before departure. Contracting directly with local partner is Long's first priority. From economy class SUV for up to three pax, Mercedes Sprinter for 7 - 16 pax. 奥地利经济大学硕士林珑是一位在德语国家生活了35年的上海籍企业家。她曾经是德国欧莱雅诸多高端化妆品牌的产品营销经理,也曾是喜力,雀巢等大品牌的销售经理。 她的独资公司Experience Travel TA e.U. 在维也纳商业法院的商业登记号为:FN622126t 此公司拥有以下营业执照: 1. GISA 31669672,国家认证旅游服务供应商、旅行社和旅行顾问 (属国家监管行业) 2. GISA 36907830,国家认证持牌导游 (属国家监管行业) 3. GISA 31352802,经批准的内政部口和笔译员 她也是市场营销/销售专家。 林珑具有特殊的语言和文化理解能力。 已融入了欧洲社会35年的她有着对文化差异的认识和与本地人的沟通能力。 对欧洲艺术,历史,社会和教育有着深入了解使她能够编辑富有创新实力,老少皆宜的游览节目并提供能建立因果关系的内容讲解。作为前国际消费品品牌的营销经理,她具有敬业精神和对细节的关注。林珑精通中,德,英,法四种语言。

Staatlich geprüfte Fremdenführerin Dolmetsch: Dialog, Simultan Übersetzung: Wirtschaftstexte, Produkttexte (Konsumgüter: Food und Kosmetik), Verträge C-Sprache: Englisch


Languages: Austrian/German | Chinese | English

Topics: Additional services | Children & Youth Programmes | Culinary Tours | Modern Vienna | Music in Vienna | Social Democracy in Vienna